
Starting on the blog


Everyone loves a bit of controversy. This is why people gossip, watch reality TV, and scroll through lists of “unpopular opinions” online. But controversy only works if it’s real.

The lack of relevant information is notorious, therefore, I intend to start writing some articles and essays on topics related to technology and culture.

I’ve always wanted to have a personal website to showcase my projects and share my thoughts, where I have control over what I publish, and that’s why, today I’m starting my own personal blog.

Desktop View note. the information on this blog is absolute garbage


I’ve created the blog using Jekyll, a SPA generator made in Ruby with different themes and easy deployment. All because I wanted to have:

  1. Full control over my blog and I wanted to customize it to my taste.
  2. A blog that is free and doesn’t require me to pay for hosting.
  3. A blog that is simple, fast and easy to maintain doesn’t require me to spend hours to configure it.

Other Options

I took a look at various blogging platforms e.g. Wordpress, Medium, Substack, and Ghost. But all of these are not totaly customizable, and are somehow paid.

Thanks for reading

Hope you found my blog fun. If you have any questions, you can check my blog’s repo on Github or feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.